



ローンを組ませてマンションを販売しようと営業電話をかけてきますが、 損をする確立がすごく高いので口車に乗らないようにしましょう  


固定電話で、若い女性の声でマンションの投資話を持ちかけてきました。 そもそもそんな話に乗るつもりはなかったのですが、営業にしては終始ケラケラ笑いながら話していて怪し過ぎるので、興味がないと言って切りました。

名簿屋から個人情報を買っているのは確かで、とにかく怪しい このサイトを見て即着信拒否 これまでにも何度かかけてきたことを履歴で確認した。

たいていワン切り。 今後は着信拒否にする。


By the fixed-line telephone, the investment talk of an apartment has been offered in a young woman's voice. First of all, although he did not plan to have ridden on such a talk, it was talking with laughter from beginning to end for business, and since it was too doubtful, it said that it was uninterested and cut. It is clear to buy personal information from the trader of a name list, and it is doubtful anyhow. This site is seen and it is call blocking immediately. It checked having so far applied several times for the history. It is a just one-ringing call mostly. Call blocking is used from now on. Cold call whether you become a lease owner of an apartment. If "it is said that it gives without telephoning again with the affair", a telephone will be hung up silently.

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